
Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Life is way too fragile...

There is so much going on in life at the moment, around myself and around others. Sometimes you take stuff for granted and don’t really embrace what is already there. It is such a shame people are negative all the time and arguing and fight for no reasons, I am trying to take life with a pinch of salt and a massive smile as that is how I want to see the world. I rather embosom the positive things with life when they are there and I want to be optimistic instead of complaining and being all depressing and miserable. I do not want to look for bad things, they are there anyway.
I am trying to make my life something I would enjoy, and that other people would appreciate.

Because when something happens that turn your world around, something that is for real and makes you feel uncontrollable and like a tiny ant on a massive globe, that is when you need your happy thoughts and good memories you created by being positive. Also the people around you, I believe in karma and what comes around goes around. If you are a horrible, negative person no-one ever wants to help you or take care of you when you reach the bottom or if you have more than you can handle. The more enthusiastic individual you are, the more reliable friends you have and people sticking up for you.  

Life is too short for complaining, just suck it up and deal with it and take care of real problems when they are coming. One quote that I have had in my head for a long time is “to sit in a rocking chair is like complaining, you have something to do but you are getting nowhere”.

Embrace life people, you never know when it is going to turn on you or even when it will end... Till then try to stay positive and actually enjoy life as you will get the most out of it as well as your surroundings. You only get one life and sometimes that life is too short... At the moment my life has taken a massive turn and there is a lot going on, a while ago we lost a dear family friend in cancer, she was very young and had a lovely character as a person and always when we saw her she lighten up the day with her smile. Recently a very close cousin went missing, another family member recently passed away and there is someone close that is very ill...

Be happy for the life you have and take care of yourself and your soul, no one is happy by being miserable. You only get one life, make the most out of it! I know what sounds like a cliché, but it is a damn good cliché. Please don’t waste your time complaining, there is more to life than that. Nothing lasts forever, so make your life your everything till it ends.

There is always hope...


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