
Thursday, 30 August 2012

Man on the moon

So yesterday it was a Jim Carrey film night, and there was a few movies I never even heard about! Like Man on the Moon, based on a true story and very very strange. But I couldnt stop watching and you were dragged into it and to his life... Very watchable, but so strange! He is a perefct example for someone to go outside the box to get reactions, and it didnt had to be good reactions....

He have a Wikipedia profile and it is strange to read about him! But you all should see the movie first, I just cant describe it! You never know what is real, or what is a prank... He just want to get reactions out of people in every way he can...

You can read about him here, and go and rent the movie "Man on the Moon" tonight! :D

And to the movie I had the best snack in the world! Detox or no detox, this is awesome! Soya yoghurt with strawberries and blueberries with honey on top.. Yummie yummie!


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