
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

To do today...

So today I need to go to the bank and sort some stuff out before NY, so exciting! and then after that maybe buy a pair of jeans I have been looking at for ages? But no, I shouldnt.. but they are so pretty... NO KAJSA, no more shopping! haha

I also need to buy some sweets as a collegue reminded me that it is Halloween today and that people will go trick or treating. What shall I buy then? Small plastic bags to buy them? Ill try to take something I dont like as Im not suppose to eat so much sweets before NY now... I have put that goal in, Im still allowed but I rather not eat it, kind of.

But my main priority today is the bank, I just get so annoyed by it and they just do not make sense what so ever! So therefor, I will change bank and get some other benefits.. suck on that Lloyds! haha


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