
Saturday, 1 September 2012

Über fact done it again!

So while I am cleaning like a maniac and watching Simpsons (still haha) I am throwing in a few uber facts! I just love their tweets, some of them make my day :D

I'm actually pretty pleased with my cleaning today, I had a go at the oven and properly cleaned all the trays d the racks ( is that what they are called?). And I hoovered under the soda (haven't done that since it was bought!), cleared the table, found some pictures I want to put up (but I don't have any screws) and I mashed a spider on the floor (I will not touch that! Someone fancy cleaning it up? It was a real fatty...), and the kitchen is cleaned from cupboards to floor, and a washing machine is done that I need to find energy to hang up...

Now I need to have a shower, I will force myself! Just after this simpsons episode... Then! Haha


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