
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Adorable disabled cats!

Really, I love all animals, every single one of them. And I don't care if they are missing a tale or a leg, it's still a living creature that requires love and caring. And today I saw the neighbour's cats, we have like 10 cats in this area haha, and two of them was disabled... Now, I don't know if you can call a cat disabled, but one had no tail and the other one only had 3 legs. Still so cuddly and friendly! I wish I knew which neighbour who have these cats, as she/he probably adopted them and took care of them even though they are special. Such a good thought, and I could easily do it as well.

I love cats, and I will probably end up like the crazy cat lady in the Simpsons if I had the chance! Except for throwing them of course, I wouldn't so that. And I would not dress like her, or never shower, or have messy hair, well the only thing we would have in-common would be the cats! Haha


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